About Newspaper Licensing Ireland
NLI works on behalf of our member publishers to ensure that those who wish to use newspaper content for commercial purposes are appropriately licensed.
We provide simple and cost-effective licensing models that permit organisations to legally access, use and share articles and content from a range of national and regional newspapers, magazines and international publications.

Information for Publishers
Licensing solutions that enable access and use of copyright content, while ensuring the rights of publishers are respected and that they receive a fair remuneration for the use of their content.

Understanding Copyright
NLI aims to ensure a fair remuneration for those who have invested in the generation of original news content, i.e. the publisher, when that content is used by others.

Members & Publications
The NLI licence framework is particularly effective because the vast majority of Irish publishers have committed their publications to our licence mechanism.
Why Licensing?
Media coverage has a high value to commercial organisations
Businesses have a have a strong vested interest in what the media writes about them and, as a result, routinely monitor the media for mentions of brand or product, competitor behaviour, sectoral activity or even any social, economic or governmental debate that is relevant to them.
Press cuttings are then likely to be accessed, copied and shared both internally (hard copy, intranet, email) and externally (website, social media) by employees as part of their daily activity.
Publishers value the part they play in contributing to daily debate and information exchange, and understand that companies may wish to shared and reference their material.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is NLI?
Why do I need a licence from NLI?
What gives NLI the authority to issue licences?
Is the newspaper and magazine content in the public domain?
It is in the public domain, however it is still under copyright . The publishers who invested in the creation of newspaper or magazine content have the right to (a) commercially benefit from their work and (b) control how that work is used, so you may not copy and distribute their content without permission. That permission comes in the form of a licence from NLI.
What does infringing copyright mean?
What happens if I ignore or decide not to take a licence?
Do I need a licence for copying online content?
I issued a press release to a newspaper, do I own that content?
Do I require a licence if I use a PR or MMO company?
How are the licence fees calculated?
Why is the price calculated by the total number of employees?
Do charity organisations require a licence too?
Yes, charities also require a licence to copy, share or otherwise use copyrighted news content, however a discount may be available for qualifying organisations on request.
Our role
Before copying, sharing or otherwise using newspaper content, you must have the permission of the copyright owner. This permission is granted in the form of a licence from NLI. Our collective licensing model makes it easy for companies and employees to freely share content while complying with copyright legislation.
The Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000 operates in conjunction with the mandate given to NLI by the publishers we represent to authorise NLI to licence the commercial use of newspaper and magazine content.
Supporting Irish journalism
NLI is proud to sponsor the Young Journalist of the Year category as part of the NewsBrands Ireland Journalism Awards.
By sponsoring this award, we are helping to nurture the next generation of journalists whose work is at the heart of Ireland’s news content ecosystem.
Pictured at this NewsBrands Journalism Awards is the 2022 Young Journalist of the Year, Ciara Phelan of the Irish Mirror (second from right), with Allan Prosser, member of the judging panel (left), Colette McCann, NLI Customer Services Manager, and Colm O’Reilly, Chair of NewsBrands Ireland.
NLI operate under a constitution and is registered with the Intellectual Properties Office of Ireland in the Register of Copyright Licensing Bodies.
NLI is a founding member of the Press Database & Licensing Network (PDLN) and a member of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO).
Irish Copyright Licensing Agency (ICLA) now also represent our interests in their international bi-lateral agreements.